Friday, December 18, 2009

Union Dues Increase for 2010

December 15, 2009

To: IAM Membership
IAM Local Lodge 731
Jacksonville, FL

Dear Brothers/Sisters

In accordance with IAM Local Lodge 731 Bylaws, Local Lodge 731 annual dues rate shall be adjusted to reflect any/all annual per capita tax and affiliation fee increases.

After calculating all increases for 2010 by the IAM Grand Lodge, IAM District Lodges 141 and 142 and our affiliates, the increases totaled $2.62, which will be added to the current IAM Local Lodge 731 dues rate.

The 2010 IAM Local Lodge 731 dues rate for members earning $12.00 an hour and more shall be $48.25, effective January 2010.

For IAM Local Lodge 731 members earning less than $12.00 an hour the 2010 dues rate shall be $39.31.

In Solidarity

Bruce Rennie
Financial Secretary/Treasurer

Local Lodge 731 Notice


District Officers
(1) President-Directing General Chairperson (4 Year Term)
(1) Vice President-British Airways (4 Year Term)
(1) Vice President-Continental Airlines (4 Year Term)
(1) Vice President-Southwest Airlines (4 Year Term)
(1) Vice President-US Airways (4 Year Term)
(1) Trustee (4 Year Term)

District Positions
(4) General Chairperson (4 Year Term)
(1) General Chairperson - Continental Airlines (4 Year Term)
(1) General Chairperson - ExpressJet Airlines (4 Year Term)
(1) General Chairperson - Southwest Airlines (4 Year Term)
(3) General Chairperson - US Airways (4 Year Term)

Nominations for the above officers and positions will be at the regular business meeting which will be held:

Date: February 9, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM
Location: Machinist Union Hall, 277 Tallulah Ave, Jacksonville, FL 32208

The election will take place on June 8, 2010; polls will be open from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 2:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the above location.