Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Please Read

Welcome to the IAMAW Local lodge 731 web page, blog. There are many features currently on this page, and more to come.

There is a search box and if the word(s) you typed are found in any of the links, then you will see a Result showing everything containing the word(s).

There is a calender and weather gadget. Click "Edit" on the weather gadget and enter the Zip Code or city name to see the weather in that locale.

You can contact your state and federal legislators. Go to the links U.S. Senators, U.S House of Representatives, State Senators or State Representatives.

There will be photos of members from various units.

See where you might want to take a vacation or how to cook something.

There are links to many federal agencies and departments as well as links for health and benefit coverages.

And of course, all of the information about Local Lodge 731 and the District Lodges and the IAM&AW and video feeds.

You can sign up for email notifications when postings are done and even send feedback to the lodge.

There is also a survey on the page.

Enjoy the web page.

Happy Holidays

Local Lodge 731 wishes all of its members and their family and friends a safe and happy holiday. If you are traveling during the holiday season, please allow yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.

January 2010 Business Meeting

The January business meeting of IAM LL731 will be held at the Union Hall, 277 Tallulah Ave, Jacksonville, FL on January 12, 2010 at 7pm. See Maps and Directions for location.

Your union supports its members 24/7. Please support your union 1/1. The meetings are about 60 minutes in duration and only one night a month.

One voice can light a fire. 100 voices can increase the flame. 1,000 voices can keep it burning.

* * * * * W A R N I N G * * * * *

Clicking on the button "Next Blog" at the top of the page will take you to the next blog in Google's blogger domain. The "Next Blog" is not part of the IAM Local Lodge 731 web page, and may contain objectionable material.