Saturday, June 19, 2010

Alliance for Retired Americans - Friday Alert, June 18, 2010

Senior Issues take Center Stage in Nevada Senate Race
Nevada Alliance members rushed to Republican/tea party Senate candidate Sharron Angle's office last Friday to protest her position on privatizing Social Security. "She's extreme. She's dangerous," said NARA President Scott Watts. Her opponent is Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D). Watts called emergency meetings in Las Vegas on Wednesday and Sparks, Nevada on Thursday about Angle's positions, and scores turned out to exchange warnings about her ideas for privatizing Social Security. Emotions ran high. Other sources of concern for retirees include Angle's stated desire to privatize Medicare and the Veterans Administration. Despite numerous attempts by television stations to reach Angle for comment and clarification, no one from her campaign returned their calls and e-mails over the past few days.