Saturday, February 19, 2011

Jacksonville Firefighters Endorse Mike Hogan for Mayor

Posted: February 18, 2011 - 8:24am

By Jim SchoettlerMike Hogan had the guns. On Friday came the hoses.
The 1,200 member Jacksonville Association of Firefighters voted Thursday to endorse Hogan for mayor over two other candidates they interviewed - Audrey Moran and Alvin Brown.

Union president Randy Wyse said the group did not interview candidate Rick Mullaney because he said he didn't intend to seek union endorsements.

Hogan got the firefighters’ support when all but one of about 150 people gathered for the vote voiced their approval of Hogan, Wyse said.
He said among the many pluses Hogan brings is his prior work as a labor relations manager for Southern Bell

Hogan got the firefighters’ support when all but one of about 150 people gathered for the vote voiced their approval of Hogan, Wyse said.
He said among the many pluses Hogan brings is his prior work as a labor relations manager for Southern Bell.