Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Author Stephen King: Why Aren’t the Rich Like Me Paying More Taxes?

by James Parks, Mar 9, 2011

As 15,500 people rallied in 30 cities across Florida yesterday to protest Gov. Rick Scott’s budget, author Stephen King made a surprise appearance at the rally in Sarasota. A resident of Sarasota, King said maybe he should write his next horror novel about Rick Scott. He told the crowd the rich ought to pay more taxes (see video).

You might say, “Hey, what are you doing up there, aren’t you rich?” The answer is, “Thank God, yes.” And you know what, as a rich person, I pay 28 percent tax. What I want to ask you is why am I not paying 50 [percent]. Why is everybody in my bracket not paying 50?

Working people rallying in the “Awake The State” events said they would not stand for Scott giving tax breaks to the rich and corporations while he sticks it to teachers, public employees and other middle-class citizens.