Saturday, April 16, 2011
Plan Now to Attend IAM Human Rights Conference
Thu. April 14, 2011
The IAM conference, themed Embracing Diversity in the House of Labor, will be held September 1st – 5th at the Buena Vista Palace in the Walt Disney Resort, Lake Buena Vista, FL. A special discounted rate of $109 plus tax per night, single or double occupancy, has been arranged. To ensure the special rate, call 1-866-246-6563 and identify yourself as being with the “IAM Machinists Human Rights Conference.” Reservations must be made by August 1, 2011 to qualify for the discounted rate.
The conference will provide IAM human rights activists, women’s rights activists, community service activists and young workers the tools to better organize and network their efforts to improve conditions in the workplace, community and nation.
In addition to Rev. Sharpton, the conference’s workshops and conference activities are planned and designed to appeal to a wide cross section IAM members.
Discounted registration fees are available to those who register early. Click here for the official call letter, registration forms and details regarding early registration.
Should you have any questions, please contact the IAM Women’s and Human Rights Department at 301-967-4747.