Thursday, August 18, 2011

Add Your Name to Union Plus Solidarity Map

by James Parks, Aug 17, 2011

This Labor Day, it is more important than ever to show the strength of working families.

Union Plus, part of Union Privilege, the consumer benefits arm of the AFL-CIO, is inviting all working people to come together online to show America our strength and solidarity. If you support American workers, join other working people and be counted on the Union Plus Solidarity Map. The goal is to have 10,000 participants on Labor Day, Sept. 5.

Click here to show support for all workers in North America by adding your name to the Solidarity Map and here to view the map, which is updated every 15 minutes.

Here are some other ways you can show your solidarity this Labor Day and every day.
•Support your U.S. fellow workers—and their jobs—by buying union-made products and products made in the U.S.A.
•Share these “36 Reasons to Thank a Union” with friends who may not realize what unions have done for every one of America’s workers.
Share a photo of how you and your family and friends celebrated Labor Day 2011.
•Learn more about the history of Labor Day and the story of the U.S. labor movement.

There’s strength in numbers. So stand up, be counted and encourage others to do the same.