Thursday, August 11, 2011
Over 31 million Americans need our help! Idled by this Grave Recession, the unemployed, involuntary part-time workers and discouraged job hunters have run out of options. They need JOBS Now!
JOBS Now!, a comprehensive strategy to put millions of unemployed Americans back to work immediately, calls for a second stimulus package, one focused on investing more in the manufacturing and transportation sectors of our economy and providing more skills training.
CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor,Employment and Training Administration, provides important unemployment insurance information.
Tell Congress Support in 2012 Means Help for Jobless in 2011
Focus On Jobs - Not Attacking Unions!
JOBS! Facts:
15.1 million unemployed, 9.2 million involuntary part time workers, 5.6 million workers who looked for a job in the last year but could not find one, and 998,000 workers who dropped out of the workforce since May, 2009 -- that's over 31 million Americans idled by this Grave Recession.