Sunday, February 27, 2011

Amity Shlaes's Forgotten History: When Unions Go Bust, We All Do

Lynn Parramore.
Editor of New Deal 2.0; Co-founder of Recessionwire
Posted: February 25, 2011 11:10 AM

For years, American workers' wages have stagnated even as they produced more. Since 2008, they have been socked with staggering new bills for bank bailouts and hammered by a Great Recession brought on by the very same banks. Now public sector workers are confronted by a new crop of Republican governors who want to put an end to unions. Union workers in Wisconsin have already conceded all of Governor Walker's draconian demands. But they want to hold on to their right to bargain so that they won't be at the mercy of the whims of political appointees or rogue school boards. Tens of thousands have swarmed Madison to show their support for the working people of Wisconsin.