Sunday, February 27, 2011

Solis: Govs. in Wis. and Ohio Want Workers to Give Up Their American Rights

by Tula Connell, Feb 26, 2011

The nation’s governors are meeting right now in Washington, D.C., for their annual conference. Well, not all of them. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a no-show, preferring to make the rounds on the weekend television interview programs to explain away why he wants to take away the freedom of public employees to bargain for good middle-class jobs.

Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) also is meeting this weekend. Here are excerpts from the statement Labor Secretary Hilda Solis made this morning when meeting with the DNC. Walker needs to read these remarks. And so does Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who’s right on the heels of Walker in his attacks on nurses, teachers and EMTs.