Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NNU’s DeMoro Named One of Nation’s Most Influential People in Health Care

by Mike Hall, Aug 23, 2011
NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro

RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United (NNU), has been named one of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare. This is the 10th year in a row DeMoro was honored by the health care industry news weekly Modern Healthcare.

She is one of only 10 people in the United States—and the only one representing people who actually provide direct health care to patients—to be named to the list for each of the 10 years it has been compiled. This year, DeMoro was placed at number 31 on the list, which is dominated by government officials and corporate executives.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), who wants to end Medicare and replace it with underfunded vouchers for private insurance, topped the list. In an interview with Modern Healthcare (click here and scroll down), DeMoro said Ryan and many others on the list believe that corporate medical care is the best approach to care delivery, despite the ongoing health care crisis as a result of skyrocketing costs, quality problems and 50 million uninsured Americans.

The market isn’t magic and it doesn’t trickle down. There’s a role for government—I just wish the people in government would play it. The Paul Ryans of the world actually don’t want a society. They want individuals and corporations to make ungodly amounts of money. There is no society—only individuals and what individuals can do on their own.

Click here to read more from NNU.