Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Nurses Demand a ‘Main Street Contract for the American People’

by James Parks, Aug 23, 2011

Nurses across the country, members of National Nurses United (NNU), are calling on elected leaders to enact a “Main Street Contract for the American People.”

NNU Co-President Jean Ross said the contract is a care plan to cure America. The plan is designed to stop economic decline and protect American families. It calls for jobs at living wages, guaranteed health care for all and equal access to quality education, schools, good housing, protection from hunger, a secure retirement for everyone, a clean and safe environment and a fair and just tax system in which Wall Street and those with the most wealth pay their fair share.

You can join with the nurses to tell the leaders we elected to pay attention to working people and not cater to the Wall Street fat cats. Sign and tweet a petition here demanding that Congress pass the Wall Street Transaction Tax, which will make Wall Street pay for the devastation it has caused on Main Street.

The nurses also are planning a Sept. 1 National Nurses Day of Action to Tax Wall Street with dozens of rallies and events across the country. To learn more and find the events in your area, visit