Thu. August 11, 2011
IAM Assistant Political and Legislative Director Rick de la Fuente (left) and Southern Territory GVP Bob Martinez were part of a large IAM delegation attending the 2011 LCLAA Education Conference.
A glancing blow from Tropical Storm Emily failed to dampen the spirit of delegates at the 2011 LCLAA Education Conference, which was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on August 4 - 6. The conference was entitled "We Are One - Somos Uno.”
Featured presentations at the conference included a review of Public Laws 73, 7 and 45 in Puerto Rico's Public Sector as well as Strategies for Expanding Latino Union Representation, Green Jobs and Public Health. Additional topics included Educating for Success in the Union Youth movement, Black/Brown Coalitions, Voter Suppression and Emerging Challenges to the Civic Engagement of Communities of Color.
Southern Territory GVP Bob Martinez joined Puerto Rico’s Local 2725 and other IAM delegates for the conference. “It was a great opportunity for the trade unionists of Puerto Rico to host this year’s conference. Puerto Rico has a tradition of a strong labor movement, and we’re proud to be part of that movement,” said Martinez, who serves as LCLAA National Vice President.