by James Parks, Aug 12, 2011
Members of the Alliance for Reired Americans are sponsoring a series of events nationwide to let their lawmakers know the money working people depend on in Medicare and Social Security belongs to those who contributed to the programs, not to politicians in Washington who want to use it as a piggybank. The events come as Social Security celebrates its 76th anniversary Aug. 14,
Alliance members have so far scheduled 27 events in the next weeks to urge lawmakers to protect Social Security and Medicare, including visits to congressional district offices, rallies and celebrations. Click here to find an event near you.
Yesterday, dozens of people attended a town hall meeting on Social Security in Hazelwood, Mo., outside St. Louis. On Tuesday, Aug. 15, seniors will rally and protest outside Republican Rep. Todd Platts’ district office in York, Pa. Alliance members will rally and present stories from Golden State seniors about the importance of Social Security and Medicare in their lives Aug. 17 at Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Here’s how David Friesner, president of the Ohio Alliance for Retired Americans, sums up the seniors’ mission:
Social Security did not cause our budget deficits, and we cannot allow anyone to use our national debt as a political cover for cutting Social Security for current or future retirees.
Alliance members last month held more than 30 events nationwide to celebrate the 46th anniversary of Medicare and to educate seniors, the public and members of Congress about how crucial these programs are to seniors and express their opposition to any benefit cuts.